Digital Technologies TRBONET ENTERPRISE
Make the most of your radio network
TRBOnet Enterprise provides integrated fully featured control over single and multi-site or multi-channel systems. It supports all types of voice communication and data operations for IP Site Connect, Capacity Plus Single Site, Capacity Plus Multisite (Linked Capacity Plus), Connect Plus and Capacity Max systems, by direct wireline or wireless interface with the MOTOTRBO network. This software allows you to create a single-server or distributed radio system, with numerous redundancy options to ensure the highest possible reliability of your radio network.
TRBOnet Enterprise includes a number of optional modules designed to meet any requirements of our customers. These add-ons significantly enhance the efficiency of communication and increase the capabilities of your professional mobile radios. The software combines a variety of functions, providing versatile comprehensive solutions from a single interface. TRBOnet Enterprise allows you to create an integrated environment by being extremely flexible and adaptable. The software can be integrated with your telephone network, Android and iOS smartphones, fire alarm systems, third-party software and hardware and gives you access to other radio platforms at a touch of the button.
+ Voice Dispatch & Recording
+ GPS and Indoor Tracking (iBeacons)
+ Job Ticketing
+ Text messaging and Telemetry
+ Safety and alarm management
+ Radio Allocation
+ Asset Management
+ Telephone interconnect
+ System bridge and cross patch
+ Lone Worker’