
Tridon improves your communication capabilities from design to integration, ensuring productivity and efficiency in projects. Discover our solutions.

Simple, Effective Communication: Why Businesses Use the MOTOTBRO CP200d

Loud, clear and reliable voice communication is the first thing business owners look for when they invest in two-way radios.  They also have to factor in the radio’s affordability and what, if any, learning curves their team will have to navigate as they learn to use it. The MOTOTBRO CP200d from Motorola Solutions is one […]

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How Alberta’s Hospitality Industry Communicates

Creating the ultimate guest experience is the objective of every hospitality business in Alberta.  You name it: resorts in Banff or Jasper, conference halls in Edmonton and Calgary, golf courses or ski hills in Fort McMurray.  They’re all in search of ways to make a visitor’s stay more memorable and an organized team that can

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The NX-1000: Kenwood’s New, Affordable, Multi-mode Two-Way Radio

    Kenwood has unveiled a new entry-level two-way radio that balances affordability with a feature set that will serve many of Alberta’s industries well: the NX-1000. It’s compact, lightweight and designed for intuitive use.  Its MIL-STD-810 rating means the Kenwood NX-1000 is durable enough to handle a hard fall on the factory floor or

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Five Reasons Why You Need (And Want) A Frequency License

  If you use two-way radios, point-to-point links or any other piece of equipment that relies on the RF spectrum, you’re probably aware that you need a frequency license.  Even the smartphone in your pocket needs a frequency license to operate; it’s a cost of doing business cellular providers like TELUS factor into their day-to-day

Five Reasons Why You Need (And Want) A Frequency License Read More »

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Choosing Your Two-Way Radios

  Two-way radios can be relied on to provide loud and clear communication at the push of a button.  That is one of the core reasons businesses all over Edmonton, the Oil Sands, and the Fort McMurray area turn to them time and again. Hold the Push-to-Talk button and you can transmit critical information to

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What’s the Range? Tackling One of The Most Common Two-Way Radio Questions.

  One of the most frequently asked questions two-way radio users ask is about the range, and it’s completely understandable.  They have a team that has to communicate across a wide area and reliable communications are critical to relaying information, be it about the status of a project or emergencies. Think about courier services, as

What’s the Range? Tackling One of The Most Common Two-Way Radio Questions. Read More »

Why Businesses Use the Kenwood TK 2402/3402

Looking to buy or rent two-way radio equipment? Contact Us, and we’ll get started.   Two-way radios are an effective tool for instant communication on the job site. They help workers stay safe and connected and that goes a long way towards helping them stay focused and productive. When business owners are looking for cost-effective

Why Businesses Use the Kenwood TK 2402/3402 Read More »

When Having a Satellite Phone Made All The Difference

Need to buy or rent a satellite phone? Contact Us.    Whether you’re working or playing in Alberta, or both, the ability to connect with those at head office or home base can range from ‘nice-to-have’ to ‘absolutely critical’.  Sure, you may be out in the middle of nowhere because you’re trying to get away

When Having a Satellite Phone Made All The Difference Read More »

Simplifying Wide Area Communications with Tridon Connect

Our Tridon Connect Promotion will save you money. Contact Us to learn how. Reliable, cost-effective, communications keep your team connected and information flowing; they keep your team safe, and your facility secured.  Maintaining connectivity is important when you’re on site. When your team is spread across a wide area, like a courier company with drivers

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Programming Two-Way Radio: Why Getting it Right Matters

Need your radios programmed in a hurry? We’ve got you covered.  Contact Us. The two-way radios available today are advanced pieces of communications technology, a far cry from the ‘walkie-talkies’ you might have played with as a kid.  In the same way a computer can be customized with different software, two-way radios can be programmed

Programming Two-Way Radio: Why Getting it Right Matters Read More »

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