
Be Aware of Road Glare

Be Aware of Road Glare: Driving Safely as Seasons Change The snow is starting to melt and the sun is starting to shine through the

Why Should Your Team Use Two-Way Radios?

Radio communication is widely used across Albertan industries and worksites. We rely on this technology on a daily basis for reliable, effective, and safe communication

Tridon’s Commitment to Community: FragaPalooza

For over 35 years, Tridon Communications has built a reputation for service excellence and has become a dominant supplier of wireless communication products and solutions in Northern

Be Green: Recycle Your Batteries

Used batteries from a variety of our two-way radios and other communication tools contain ingredients such as nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride, lithium ion and

Knowing Our Customers’ Needs

Tridon Communications is proud to have developed a diverse customer base during the past thirty-five years. Each customer may be looking for a different product or

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